Upcoming Conferences/Events

Past Conferences/Events

Cash Transfers and Guaranteed Minimum Income Programs: Research, Evaluation, and Policy
Prague, Czech Republic
September 9-10, 2024

External Validity in Program Evaluation
Paris, France
June 6, 2023

Formal Reviews of Proposed Legislation, Regulations, and Budgetary Expenditures: Sharing Practices among the Specialized Units of the EU and US
Washington, D.C.
November 14-18, 2022

Migration Practicalities: Host Country Responses to Authorized and Unauthorized Migrants
Madrid, Spain
October 25-26, 2022

Seventh Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research
Madrid, Spain
October 24, 2022

Challenges of Welfare Policies in Central and Eastern Europe
Dubrovnik, Croatia
June 17, 2019

Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Network for Social Policy Teaching and Research
Dubrovnik, Croatia
June 16-18, 2019

More Effective Public Workforce Programs through Comparative Performance Monitoring
Washington, D.C.
November 13, 2018


Cross-National Conference Reports

Collaboration among Government, Market, and Society: Forging Partnerships and Encouraging Competition
by Douglas J. Besharov and Yijia Jing

Labor Activation in a Time of High Unemployment: Lessons From Abroad
by Douglas J. Besharov, Douglas M. Call, and Stefano Scarpetta

Improving the Quality of Public Services: A Multinational Conference on Public Management
by Douglas J. Besharov, Alexey Barabashev, Karen Baehler, and Jacob Alex Klerman

Trends in Migration and Migration Policy
by Douglas J. Besharov, Mark H. Lopez, and Melissa Siegel

European Measures of Income, Poverty, and Social Exclusion: Recent Developments and Lessons for U.S. Poverty Measurement
by Douglas J. Besharov and Kenneth Couch

Asian Social Protection in Comparative Perspective
by Douglas J. Besharov and Karen J. Baehler

Journal Articles

Teaching in Today's Global Classroom: Policy Analysis in Cross-National Settings
by Douglas Besharov and Jennifer Oser

Income Transfers Alone Won’t Eradicate Poverty
by Douglas Besharov and Douglas Call

Welfare States Amid Economic Turmoil
by Neil Gilbert and Douglas Besharov

The Global Budget Race
by Douglas Besharov and Douglas Call

European Measures of Income, Poverty and Social Exclusion: Recent Developments and Lessons for U.S. Poverty Measurements
by Douglas Besharov

Deconstructing European Poverty Measures: What Relative and Absolute Scales Measure
by Richard Burkhauser

Impressionistic Realism: The Europeans Focus the U.S. on Measurement
by David Johnson

Europe's Other Poverty Measures: Absolute Thresholds Underlying Social Assistance
by Richard Bavier

European Measures of Poverty and "Social Exclusion": Material Deprivation, Consumption, and Life Satisfaction
by Neil Gilbert

New Comparative Measures of Income, Material Deprivation, and Well-Being
by Timothy Smeeding

Social Welfare's Twin Dilemmas: "Universalism vs. Targeting" and "Support vs. Dependency"
by Douglas Besharov

Upcoming Courses

Program Evaluation in the African Context
Nairobi, Kenya
Summar, 2025

Improving Programs through Evaluation-Based Performance Monitoring and Management
Rome, Italy
January 5-18, 2025

Past Courses

Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: Real-World Decision Making
Paris, France
June 2024

Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: Real-World Decision Making
Paris, France
June 2023

Improving Programs through Evaluation-Based Performance Monitoring and Management
Milan and Rome, Italy
January 9-20, 2023

Applied Policy Analysis and Program Evaluation: Real-World Decision Making
OECD, Paris, France
June 13-24, 2022

Program Evaluation: Determining What Works
Doha, Qatar (Virtual)
June 28-30, 2021

UMD Non Credit Professional Development Course: Program Evaluation and Applied Policy Analysis
Paris, France
June 29-July 13, 2019

UMD Summer Course: Program Evaluation and Applied Policy Analysis
Paris, France
June 29-July 13, 2019

UMD Non Credit Professional Development Course: Systematic Research Reviews, Program Planning, and Policy Making
Paris, France
June 4-15, 2018

UMD Summer Course: Understanding and Synthesizing Evidence-Based Research
Paris, France
June 2-16, 2018

UMD Summer Course: Comparative Policy Analysis and Practical Program Evaluation
Paris, France
July 3-20, 2017

Summer Institute on Program Evaluation
Budapest, Hungary
July 18-22, 2016

International Policy Exchange Series

About the Series

Work and the Social Safety Net: Labor Activation in Europe and the United States

United States Income, Wealth, Consumption, and Inequality

The "Population Problem" in Pacific Asia

Social Exclusion in Cross-National Perspective: Actors, Actions, and Impacts from Above and Below

Decent Incomes for All: Improving Policies in Europe

Youth Labor in Transition: Inequalities, Mobility, and Policies in Europe

Welfare, Work, and Poverty: Social Assistance in China

Welfare Reform Academy

(To view the homepage of Welfare Reform Academy, please click here

Archiving the European Institute Website

As you may already know, the European Institute has ceased operations. However, in the next few months, the rich work of the European Institute, captured on their website (www.europeaninstitute.org), will be archived and available to all here. Until then, the University will continue to maintain the existing URL and website.

The European Institute has served as the leading public policy organization in Washington devoted solely to Transatlantic Relations since its founding in 1989. Further, the European Institute’s policy journal, European Affairs, has been invaluable in strengthening the direct exchanges facilitated through its many meetings by drawing on a wide network of prominent experts to build a rich and comprehensive body of work on contemporary issues at the core of European-American relations.